Volunteer with United Way's MyFreeTaxes program!

MyFreeTaxes Volunteer Program

Volunteer remotely with MyFreeTaxes and help people save hundreds of dollars in filing fees and receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds – all from your home!

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their taxes for free while getting the assistance they need. United Way provides MyFreeTaxes in partnership with the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help filers prepare their tax returns on their own or have their return prepared for them for free.

Each year, MyFreeTaxes helps hundreds of thousands of low- to moderate-income filers file for free and obtain nearly $300M in tax credits and saved fees, including their Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), stimulus payments and Child Tax Credit (CTC).

The IRS is the nation’s largest administrator of anti-poverty benefits for workers and families with children, and United Way's MyFreeTaxes program helps ensure people can access their benefits for free. Click here to learn more.

Click here to apply

About the Volunteer Opportunities

  • Training starts in December. Additional training sessions may be available in January and February
  • Volunteer January through April, with the option to extend your volunteerism through October
  • Volunteer 2+ hours a week and set your own schedule

Primary Volunteer Activities:

  • Assist MyFreeTaxes users to successfully file their taxes for free using our partner software options
  • Answer MyFreeTaxes user questions via email and live chat
  • Identify common questions and support the expansion of our FAQ

Why volunteer with MyFreeTaxes?

  • Volunteer remotely
  • Set your own role and schedule
  • Build your resume and gain valuable experience
  • Deliver huge financial impact for low- and moderate-income families
  • Join a small, entrepreneurial team running one of the largest and most innovative VITA programs nationwide

Email us for more information

Feel free to contact our volunteer manager, Ynaira Burgos, at info@myfreetaxes.com with the subject line "MyFreeTaxes Volunteer".

flyer 2023