
The MyFreeTaxes Helpline is staffed by dedicated call specialists who have completed IRS VITA program training and certification. Our Helpline call specialists are available to answer questions about MyFreeTaxes, help you troubleshoot issues you may face while using the tax filing software we connect you to, and answer certain tax questions you have while completing your return through MyFreeTaxes.

Our main Helpline can be reached at 866-698-9435. It is available 10 am - 8 pm ET daily from February 6 - April 18, and Monday through Friday from 10 am - 6 pm ET from April 21 - October 31.

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Use the form below to send our support team a message. We'll do our best to get back to you within one business day. If you need support immediately, you may call our Helpline to speak with a support specialist. Please note, you must have cookies enabled for your browser to complete the CAPTCHA anti-spam check and click the submit button.